USD in depth, part 06 / by Xuan Prada

Hello everyone,

USD in depth part 06 is dropping today.
This time is all about lighting and rendering.

We will take a look at all the lighting/lookdev/rendering tools available in Solaris.
We will focus mainly on Karma, as it is the propietary Houdini rendering engine and hopefully something that we all can use in production soon.
We will introduce concepts like sequence lighting, shot overrides, interactive render filters, etc.

Some of the topics covered.

- Main takeaways.
- Scene preparation.
- Lighting workflow.
- Sequence lighting.
- Karma settings.
- Motion blur.
- DOF.
- AOVs.
- LPEs.
- Volume rendering.
- MaterialX.

This is a 6 hours long video, so brace yourselves.
All the info on my Patreon site.
