Houdini as scene assembler part 03 / by Xuan Prada

In this post I will talk about using texture bitmaps and subdivision surfaces.
I have a material network with a couple of shaders, one for the body of this character and another one for the rest. If using Arnold I would have a shop network.

To bring texture bitmaps I use texture nodes when working with Mantra and image nodes when working with Arnold. The principled shader has tabs with inputs for textures. I rarely use these, I always create nodes to take care of the texturing. At the end of the day I never use only one texture per channel. More of this in future posts.
In Mantra, textures are multiplied by the albedo color. Be careful with this.

With Mantra, this is the UDIM tag textureName.%(UDIM)d.exr with arnold textureName.<UDIM>.exr

There is a triplanar node that can be used with Arnold and a different one called UV triplanar projection for Mantra. I don’t usually work without UVs, but these nodes can be useful when working with terrains or other large surfaces.

To subdivide geometry, at object level you can just go to the Arnold tab and select the type of subdivision and the amount. If you need to subdivide only a few parts of you alembic asset, create an unpack node (transfer attributes and groups) and then a subdivide node. This works with both Mantra and Arnold, although there is a better way of doing this with Arnold. We will talk about it in the future.